Ben Folds was great as always. The venue sucked and it was not nearly as much fun as Bonnaroo, but he rocks the piano no matter where he is.
I got a job finally. Way long overdue, I know. But I needed the break to get my shit together. In my emotional screwed up state I would have cracked under the pressure of working and going to school full time, and trying to deal with all the post-breakup mess. But now I'm back into the swing of things, ready to make and save some money so I can get an apartment in a year. But anyway, I start out $11.25/hr, plus $0.40 a mile to drive. Probably around 20 hours a week. I also make my own schedule and work whenever I want. I'm happy about it.
I pre-ordered Cursive's new album, and I can't wait to hear it. I've been spending a lot of money lately but I don't mind. Now that I have a job I really don't mind. I've got the money to spend so, I'm going to buy what I want. I get a new package delivered like every day, or come home with a bag from an apparel store. My mom called me Rockefeller yesterday. She's funny.

Is it time for this yet?
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