Thursday, September 4, 2008

I've been having really weird dreams lately. I hope these aren't premonitions or anything, because most of them have been just terrible. So bad that I don't even want to repeat them here.

It's 9AM, I've got class until 1:30, and then I'm taking a long nap. Trying to do constructive things this weekend, like get through all my class readings. I'm a bit behind on that, and I need to not fall so behind that I can't catch up. My goal is nothing less than a B in all four classes. I can pull it off if I stop being lazy.

I doubt I'll be going to Ryan Adams now. I just can't really afford the ticket. If it was like $15 I could swing it, but it's like $32, not including all the service charges they will tack on. I just can't do it. I'll feel terrible that entire day because I really do want to see him. Sorry Ryan, I just can't afford your show. Maybe next time.

Give me some good recipes for food. Anything really. Appetizers, main courses, desserts, anything. I need new and exciting food options for this dinner party I'm about to have.

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