Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is a list of things I'd love to accomplish for next year. New Year's Resolutions are mostly bullshit, but here they are anyway.

Dear Kelley,

1. Lose weight by June 1 (preferrably around 30 pounds). Keep diet and exercise plan going from January 2-June 1 and don't take any breaks. Buy a bikini or dress that is too small on purpose so it gives you some motivation to want to fit in it.
2. Calm down. Don't be as pissed off all the time. Learn to control anger better.
3. Cheer up. Try to let go or at least come to terms with some things (and people) from your past.
4. Get a job and start saving money. You don't want to live at home after you get your Bachelor's degree, so start saving for a down payment on a house. I am saying house because if you and Ty are going to move out together, he deserves a backyard to run around in, and not be cramped in a tiny apartment. And if the house is not an option, make sure you've got enough money for at least six months rent in the bank.
5. Do better in school. You've been screwing around the past two and a half years you've been in school, and all A's and B's are indeed possible. Make the Spring semester the best semester you've had in college so far. Also, change your major and do research into education/english majors.
6. Save up enough money for Bonnaroo.
7. Stop biting your nails.
8. Be nicer to everyone, even if they aren't nice to you. Tell your friends and family you love and care for them more often. Be more generous and an overall better person to others.
9. Keep your house clean. I know you won't be living here for much longer, but you live here now so do more stuff around the house for your mother.
10. Start paying off debts (school loans, credit card bills, etc.)
11. If depression, anxiety, or anger start to get too overwhelming, go talk to someone about it. You can use the counseling services at NKU for free, so go ahead and do it if you need it.
12. Take time for you. Go for walks, go see movies by yourself, or go get coffee or lunch by yourself. "You" time is time to think and get shit together, and also it can just be relaxing.
13. Read more books. Try to finish one book a month if time allows it.
14. Spend less time on the internet and more time outside.
15. Go camping/hiking/canoeing/seadooing/anything outdoorsy more next summer. Try to shoot for Mammoth Cave once, Red River Gorge once, Brookville Indiana once, East Fork once, and any other place that you can go get physical activity and enjoy the outdoors.
16. Stop worrying so much about things you cannot control. It's not worth the stress.
17. Accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but so are you. Don't regret saying how you feel about certain things, because you are allowed to. And if people are going to be pissed off for it, so be it. It is their problem, not yours.
18. Even though it's been difficult, try to be more optimistic about life.
19. Make things happen for yourself. Try your best at everything you do. If they don't happen, move on. At least if you do the most/best you can, you will know it wasn't your fault.
20. Do all of these things, and not just some or most of them.


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