Monday, February 23, 2009

Moving out/Bonnaroo Band #4

Although the exact location and exact time is not entirely planned out just yet, Lindsey and I have been looking at apartment ideas lately so we can move out in the summer before the Fall semester. I'm excited that this might actually happen for a few reasons. Main reason is that I can get out of here for a while and be on my own. Maybe the new environment change will be more positive and helpful than I may think. I'm hoping to be less stressed out, do better in school, meet new people, deal with my depression and maybe get rid of it, and hang out with my best friend all the time! I know my Mom is going to be against this, and I was planning on waiting until I graduated to move out, but I don't know if I can wait two+ more years. This is something I've been thinking about for the last year or two, just haven't had the job or income to support it. Now that I'm about to be working I feel like I could afford this. Moving out is something I feel like I need to do right now, even if I end up moving back home in a year. Even for 12-24 months, I feel like this needs to happen now. I need a change of scenery, a change of routine, and I don't mind the money I will have to spend that I could be saving. I think it's going to end up being beneficial in the long run.

I've started writing again. I write in this all the time, but I mean writing down ideas, stories, things that struck me and stood out in my day, etc. It's a good outlet for me, and maybe one day these will be of use.

Okay, time for Bonnaroo band #4. I am most excited for them because being one of my favorite bands, I still haven't seen them live. I opted not to at Bonnaroo 2007 and I think it was a big mistake on my part. I will not miss them again.

Wilco - "Impossible Germany"

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